FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki
FTL: Faster Than Light Wiki

 This random event occurs in:

You detect an automated Rebel scout attacking a small refueling outpost.

  1. Intervene to defend the outpost.
    • Detecting the higher threat, the automated ship moves in to engage your ship.
      • Fight an Auto-ship.
        • (After destroying enemy ship) The ship breaks apart and you quickly salvage what you can.
          • You receive a low amount of scrap and resources.
            • The outpost hails you after the scout was destroyed, "Thanks for the help. We've been harassed non-stop by those scouts. Take this on the house."
  2. Avoid the conflict.
    • You steer clear of the conflict. The outpost receives a beating but the ship stops its attack before it's destroyed.
      • Nothing happens.


This event is called "AUTO_REFUEL_STATION" in the datafiles.
