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WeaponControlCircle Weapon Control is a system that enables use of the weapons.


  • Weapons are activated and begin charging by a left mouse click on a weapon slot or (default) keyboard keys 1 -- 4.
    • Clicking and/or pressing again changes the cursor to a targeting mode. Then a target room is confirmed by a left mouse click. Targeting is cancelled by a right mouse button.
  • Auto-fire can be enabled/disabled for all weapons or individually.
    • Keyboard keys combo Ctrl + (1 -- 4) or Ctrl + left mouse click on a weapon slot reverses the setting for a specific weapon slot. (e.g. if auto-fire is disabled for all weapons, then Ctrl switching will enable it for a specific weapon slot)
  • Weapons are depowered by a right mouse click or (default) keyboard keys combo Shift + (1 -- 4).
  • Upgrading the system allows to allocate more power into weapons.
  • Weapons order can be changed by dragging and dropping a selected weapon.
  • When damaged or ionized, weapons go offline from the right-most slot to the left.
    • A single ion damage is enough to force reactor power from any weapon. (e.g. a 4-power Glaive Beam will go offline if the system is hit by a single ion projectile with 1 ion damage; whereas, a 2 ion damage projectile will disable two 1-power weapons)
    • When ionized or actively hacked, the weapons cannot be powered or depowered manually.
    • When actively hacked (disrupted), the weapons cannot be fired even if they have accumulated charges (e.g. Ion Charger, Laser Charger, etc.), however, the stored charges cannot be removed by hacking disruptions.
    • When ionized, the slot positions of the weapons can be changed (this allows a Zoltan or Zoltans to power the desired weapons; place a weapon closer/further to the enemy ship; snipe enemy drone, missile or an asteroid, etc).
  • Zoltans add or replace 1 power bar each to Weapon Control system, and the weapons are powered by Zoltans starting from the left-most slots.
    • If Zoltans' power is not enough to fully power the left-most weapons when there is no spare reactor power available, these weapons cannot be operational and must be swapped to another slot. (e.g. it is also possible to have maximum power in the Weapon Control system and not be able to use the weapons, which normally could be powered with reactor power, due to Zoltans only partially powering some of the weapons - not only the Zoltan power is wasted, but the system power levels are wasted)
    • Zoltans leaving the room without enough spare reactor power to sustain the weapons will de-power these weapons.
    • With Zoltans in the Weapon Control, weapons in the left-most slots can become depowered when other weapons get positioned in these slots if there is not enough cumulative power in the system or not enough spare reactor power for both of these weapons. (example: 1 zoltan and 2 reactor power are powering slot 1 Halberd in Weapon Control level 4 system, slot 2 Leto is unpowered due to lack of reactor; if slot 2 Leto is moved into slot 1, the Halberd goes offline)
    • Normally reactor power cannot be added or removed from an ion-locked system, however, Zoltans replace the reactor power from ion-locked Weapon Control system with their zoltan power and remove the reactor power if they leave the room. Thus, it is possible to increase the total power supplied to the Weapon Control system if more Zoltans end up in the room than there was cumulative power in the system prior to the ion lock. (example: 1 zoltan and 3 reactor power are powering slot 1 Halberd and slot 2 Leto in Weapon Control level 4; the system gets Ion Bombed and both weapons go offline; if Leto is placed into slot 1, it gets powered by a Zoltan; if 2 more Zoltans come and stay in the room, slot 1 Halberd can be powered; 3 more Zoltans, for a total amount of 4, will power both weapons)
  • A weapon charge can be stored if a weapon is fully charged and then put into a cargo slot.
  • Manning the system reduces weapons' charge time by 10%/15%/20% for crewmember's skill level 0/1/2.
  • Weapon charge time can be improved by Automated Re-loader augmentation(s).
  • Weapons can get a full charge with Weapon Pre-Igniter augmentation, when player's ship arrives at the next beacon.
  • Upgraded Weapon Control system can be used as a blue option in some events.

System Upgrades[]

Level Cost Power
1 - 1
2 40 Ftlgame-scrap 2
3 25 Ftlgame-scrap 3
4 35 Ftlgame-scrap 4
5 50 Ftlgame-scrap 5
6 75 Ftlgame-scrap 6
7 90 Ftlgame-scrap 7
8 100 Ftlgame-scrap 8